Focus on your classes, coopcery takes care of your grocery

Save time & money

The best prices at your door without any effort!

We compare product prices between different grocery stores and choose the cheapest one to help you save on your budget. Then we deliver it to your door so that you have more time for your homework.
All that for a flat fee of 0.99$

Select your products

Choose from several curated products from nearby stores.

We go shop for you

We compare the prices from a vast variety of stores and pick the cheapest one.

Save time & money

For just 0.99 $ flat fee, focus on your classes and save on your budget. Prettry incredible!

Earn coopcery points

Last but not least, earn coopcery points, not grocery points.

Earn coopcery points, not grocery points

Coopcery points are not grocery points, exchange them and use them in your favourite store

Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find an answer? Don't hesitate to reach out!.

How does coopcery work?

We compare product prices between different grocery stores and choose the cheapest one to help you save on your budget. Then we deliver it to your door so that you have more time for your homework.

How much does it cost?

We charge a flat fee of 0.99 $ for the shopping & delivery.

I am not a student, can I use coopcery?

Sorry, but the service is only offered to students.